About The Church

Deeper Life Bible Church is a multinational, interdenominational Bible Based Holiness Church. The church started in 1973 at Lagos Nigeria with 15 people, under the leadership of its founder and the General Superintendent – Pastor Dr. William F. Kumuyi. The Church has since grown into millions of people with branches all over Africa, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and over 90 branches in the United States of America.

Journalist Alan Isaacson provides a helpful study of this phenomenal ministry in his book Deeper Life, talking with many members of the church who told him how Christ has miraculously intervened and changed lives in response to prayer and the proclamation of the Gospel. In Pastor Kumuyi’s own words:
“God, in the growth of Deeper Life Bible Church, has strategically and prudently used miracles to make all men come to Him’ (John 3:26). We take Christian living and holiness seriously.”

According to Isaacson, “The history of Deeper Life is very much the personal story of W.F. Kumuyi. He is a gifted man, clear-thinking and humble. He is a dedicated Christian and deserves the title ‘the man of God,’ which his followers have given him. Since he was a young man, Kumuyi has devoted his time to reading and studying the Bible. He knows the Scriptures inside out, and has struggled to understand and apply them. As he shares that struggle and his love for the word of God, people have been drawn to him for advice, or simply to listen. When he preaches, his message is clear, simple, and profound. Poor street traders who can barely read sit next to university professors, all equally captivated by the way Scripture becomes suddenly relevant to them. Pastor Kumuyi’s own Christian life developed because he took the Bible so seriously, and so the Deeper Christian Life Ministry has developed in the same way. In Alan Isaacson’s own words, he “preached Deeper Life into existence.” His sermons were captivating, wrote Isaacson, “I would classify him as one of the greatest living preachers, giving a straightforward Bible based message, his sermons thorough, and always personally challenging. He always gave a wide range of cross- references which were read in their context, supporting, clarifying and expanding his main points.

What We Believe

God’s infallible WORD teaches and we believe: 1. That the Holy Bible, consisting of 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament, is the inspired Word of God. We take the Bible as final authority in all matters concerning our existence.

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Who We Are.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called – one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:2-6

We have a mission and an eternal commitment as a believer to witness the Good News, committed to being and making disciples. Disciples are people who are so in love with Jesus, they have decided that the most important thing in their entire life is the Great Commission.

Pastor Israel Sodimu Pastor Delfin Shamaki
Location Pastors
Dr. David Malaka
Program Coordinator
Pastor Ike Okafo
Regional Overseer, Deeper Life Bible Church
Pastor (Dr.) William F. Kumuyi
Founder & General Superintendent, Deeper Christian Life Ministry Worldwide

“Our heart & soul’s desire is to connect people with the living & powerful God.”

Pastor DLBC, Oak Park