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The Firm Resolve of Faith By Triumphant Overcomers

The Firm Resolve of Faith By Triumphant Overcomers

Main Passage: Daniel 3:13-18

    These were saints that were fully persuaded by the Sovereignty of God, that there is no other god besides our God, and that the word of God is true, and whatever the king may say, they are going to obey the word of God (Romans 4:20-21). ‘They did not stagger on the word of God but were fully persuaded that this word of God abides forever, and whatever He has put in place will remain sure in all generations .

(i) The Rage and Fierceness of Ruthless PersecutorsDaniel 3:13-15; Esther 3:5-6; Acts 26:11; 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

This king was ruthless and fierce, he did not fear God or any other authority. That he threatened to throw them into the fire, and no God can deliver them out of his hands (Daniel 3:15). Saul of Tarsus was before the Cross ruthless, and will not take anything from anyone, but that they must blaspheme the Name of the Lord, (Acts 26:11). The Jews persecuted Paul later who had become a believer, and were ruthless towards him and other believers as well (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).

(ii) The Refusal and Faith of Recreated PeopleDaniel 3:18; Jeremiah 35:5-10, 12, 18-19; Hebrews 11:24-27; Daniel 1:8

These were people redeemed, recreated and the power of God was in them, therefore they refused because the power of God was in them. ‘When we are born again, our lives are recreated and people around us will testify of that genuine conversion and change of life’ (Daniel 3:17-18). They were just like their companion Daniel in chapter one. (Daniel 1:8). ‘If we are going to take that uncompromising stand, it must begin from our hearts, that we established that fact in our hearts before the challenge comes to us’. We must be steadfast in our hearts for the truth of God’s word, stand in the truth and not yield to the dainties of the world and the kings of today. We will not yield to the edict and pressure of the persecutors.

(iii) The Righteousness and Forthrightness of Rapturable PilgrimsMatthew 5:10-12; 1 Peter 3:13-14; 4:12-16; Revelation 20:6

These were pilgrims and they did not hide their convictions. ‘As New Testament believers, we must voice our convictions to the world around us’. ‘Our persecution must not be as a result of our foolishness but for righteousness’ sake’. Persecution takes many different forms – despising, mockery of your beliefs, evil sayings against you, denial of your rights, and other forms. But we are to take this joyfully, that you don’t get angry nor change your conviction because of the persecution. And great will be your reward in heaven if you suffer persecution like the saints that have gone before you (1 Peter 3:13-14). Don’t be afraid of their terrors, remain steadfast in the Lord. Do not count your persecution as a strange thing, (1 Peter 4:12-16). ‘When persecution comes to you, do not count it strange, but find out others who have suffered the same experience, and learn from them how they overcame, and that same grace will be sufficient for you’. Pray that our persecution will not be as a result of sinning but as rupturable saints of God.

Daniel 3:16-17; Psalm 12:6
The Scripture is perfect, stands sure and is secured forever. And everything God has commanded in the Scripture stands the same firm today and forever (Psalms 12:6).

(i) The Scripture’s Permanence, Ever EnduringPsalm 19:7-11; Daniel 3:14,18; 1 Peter 4:1-7; Matthew 24:35

(Psalms 9:7-11): The word of God is perfect, with nothing to add, and nothing to remove. ‘If you read the word, and you are not converted, you have not purposefully read the word of God, for that word of God converts the soul’ (1 Peter 4:1). As the word of God comes to us, we cease from sin. Like Christ when temptation comes to us, we revert to the written word of God as He did, that Christ could not change the
word of God when He was on earth with us. You will not find imperfection in the sun, moon, and the galaxies that God created, and yet they will pass away, but the word of God will not pass away, for it is perfect, pure and endures forever (Matthew 24:35)

(ii) The Saint’s Perseverance till the EndMatthew 24:11-13; 10:22; Hebrews 3:12 – 14; Revelation 2:10, 25-26

Like Daniel persevered even in the Lions’ Den, and the three Hebrew children before the furnace of fire persevered, we are to endure till the end (Matthew 24:11-13). We are to endure the trials, false accusations, and persecutions of the people that will not understand our stand as Christians (Matthew 10:22). People will hate you because you are so adamant and standing on the word of God, but we are to endure till the end. You are the one to endure, and the grace of God will not fail in your life in Jesus’ Name. (Hebrews 3:12-14). If anyone departs from the Living God, it is because an evil heart ofbelief has entered into him, and he did not take notice of that (Revelations 2:25-26). The world and Nebuchadnezzar may want to twist our hands from the Truth of God’s word, but we are to stand on the Word and hold fast to what we have already in the Lord so that we will not yield nor compromise.

(iii) The Sinners’ Punishment and its EndlessnessDaniel 12:2; Matthew 25:41, 46; Revelation 14:10-11; 20:10, 15; 21:8

Nebuchadnezzar was a sinner at this time, and his son Belshaddar continued in the wickedness of his father, they will suffer forever and ever in Hell (Revelations 14:10-11). ‘Unrepentant and adamant sinners will suffer the wrath of God and will be cast into the everlasting fire with brimstone’ (Revelations 20:10, 15). Pray that you will not go into Hell in Jesus Name.

Daniel 3:17-18; Isaiah 62:10-12
God has His standard and it is in His word, and it stands forever and ever. The standard that is permanent and foundational, we remain in the standard, and we are relentlessly lifting up that standard.

(i) Lift Up the Standard in BabylonDaniel 3:14-18; Jeremiah 50:2; 51:12-15; Isaiah 58:1-2

Wherever you are, even in Babylon, lift up that standard of holiness and righteousness (Jeremiah 50:2). ‘The standard that God has given us, lift it up and do not conceal it anywhere you find yourself’. Lift up that standard that it is only the word of God, and Christ that can save, not idols or the works of self righteousness. (Isaiah 58:1-2). Don’t be intimidated by anyone, but cry aloud and lift up that standard of the word of God, and declare this word among the people. ‘Lift up the standard anywhere and everywhere you are, and let them know the word of God through you.

(ii) Live Upright as Saints before the BeholdersMatthew 5:13-16; Philippians 2:15-16; 1 Peter 2:9-12; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

The people that see you in public or private, let them have the testimony in their hearts that you are living right. (Matthew 5:13-16). ‘Know who you are as a Christian. You are the salt of the earth, to preserve, slow down, hinder, and prevent the corruption of the world around you’. There is deep darkness in the world, in their minds, idolatry, expressions, thoughts and actions, but we as Christians are the lights of the world. ‘The Messiah does not light you up as a candle, and you will hide your conviction and character that He has wrought in your life. But let your light so shine before men, that they will see the good works of righteousness that Christ has done in you’. (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10). Wherever you are, you will become an example to others through your exemplary life of righteousness and Christlikeness. Those Thessalonians believers, their conversion was so reflective in their lives, that others learned from them. They lived purposeful lives as they were waiting for the coming of the Lord.

(iii) Loyally Uphold the Scriptures among all BelieversDaniel 3:16-18; 1 Thessalonians 2:10-13; 2 Timothy 1:13-14; Titus 1:9

Among all the believers, do not let them complain about you that you are not living right in accordance with the teachings of the word of God that we are all hearing. See how those three Hebrew Children upheld the Scriptures in their time in Babylon. “We are to be loyal in upholding the standard of the Scripture in Whatever besides, we are serving the Lord, for He owns us as His servants, and we will serve the Lord only in all situations of life. Did God deliver them?

Let’s come and see this in the next Study. When people see you, they will see the glory of God upon your life, for our God still delivers!

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