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Divine Incentives For Becoming An Overcomer

Divine Incentives For Becoming An Overcomer

Revelation 2:1-7

As Jesus speaks to the overcomers in each church, He is urging the faithful, sold-out believers to
continue for the glory of God. He is also challenging those who are not so that they too can experience
the life of an overcomer. As Jesus concludes each letter, Christ makes specific promises to these
churches, which serve as incentives.
Let’s examine these seven Divine Incentives For Becoming An Overcomer, and let’s allow the Holy
Spirit to examine our hearts.

    A. Ill. The Ephesian church. They were busy for God, but they had fallen out of love with Jesus. He calls
    upon them to remember where they had once been with Jesus and to get back to the place where He
    was number one in their lives.
    B. His promise to the overcomer is this: They will enjoy a glorious eternity in His presence. They have
    passed from death unto life. What the first Adam took from them, Jesus has restored to them, Rom. 5:12,
  2. The “No Trespassing” sign erected in Gen. 3:22-24 will forever be torn down, and we will eat of the
    tree of life in God’s Heaven.
    A. Smyrna was a church that was undergoing severe persecution! Their enemies were hounding them to
    imprison and kill them. Jesus encourages them to remain faithful to Him unto death, and He will reward

B. The Overcomers in the church are promised deliverance from the second death. What is the second
death? Rev. 20:11-15 says it is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire. These redeemed people
might have to give their lives down here, but they need not worry about Hell. They have been delivered
from the wrath of God through the blood of Jesus, Rom. 5:9. After all, Jesus has conquered death and
removed its sting, 1 Cor. 15:42-57! What an incentive to serve Him! Hallelujah! Hell proof and Heaven

    A. The church at Pergamos was also enduring intense persecution. They were even located in the center
    of satanic activity. Many of their members had been martyred for Jesus’ sake in Pergamos. But, there was
    sin in the camp! The sin they tolerated and sin for which Jesus commanded them to repent.
    B. Rev 2:17, Jesus makes two precious, intimate promises. First, He promises to give them the “hidden
    manna,” just as the children of Israel were given the mysterious manna from Heaven to feed them. (Note:
    The O.T. manna was a clear picture of Jesus – Small, white, round, sweet, satisfying!) He also promises to
    give them a white stone.
    Often, friends would take a stone they called a “tessera” in ancient times. They would break that stone in
    half and engrave unique phrases, words, or nicknames for each other on them. Each would carry the half
    engraved by the other as a constant reminder of their friendship and mutual love. Such is the intimacy of
    our relationship! You see, Jesus means something different to each of us.
    A. The church in Thyatira was active. They were busy in the service of the Lord and were recognized for
    their works. However, the church was condemned for allowing the wicked woman to dominate their
    worship and work as a church. God’s judgment is swift and sure! The woman led them into paganism and
    idolatry, and Jesus promised to deal with her and those who followed her.
    B. But, even in a hotbed of iniquity like Thyatira, there was still a faithful remnant! The overcomers in this
    church are promised reign with Jesus Christ when He established His kingdom. His promise to them is
    that they will share His rule one day. This is taught throughout the New Testament – 1 Cor. 6:3; 2 Tim.
    2:12; Rev. 20:4. When He returns, we are coming with Him, Rev. 19:14. What a great promise!
    They are also promised the “morning star.” This star appears during the darkest part of the night,
    signaling all those who see it that morning is coming! Well, Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star, Rev.
    22:16. Jesus is saying, “It may look dark in the world, but keep looking to the sky, for I am coming to get
    you one day!” That is a promise all God’s children share tonight, 1 Thes. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-52! It may
    be dark in this old world tonight, but you can see Him working, and you know from His Word that He is
    returning someday! That thought can brighten the darkest of nights!
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