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God’s Pattern for His Church [Part 2]

God’s Pattern for His Church [Part 2]

3. His Church Follows the Right Program

A. v. 42, 46-47 They Worship Together as A Family. This church met together for prayer, instruction in the Word of God and worship. They desired to grow in their faith and worship the Lord. Paul described this kind of desire in Phil 3:10, where he said, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”

To know God is to understand Him to the greatest degree possible and act on that knowledge by bowing to Him in humble worship.

B. v. 44-45 They Work Together as A Team – This church had as their common goal the common good. They worked to benefit the group. God has not called us to sit by and do nothing, but He has called us to go to work and to work together for the glory of God, Eph. 2:10; James 2:18.

C. v. 42, 46 They Walk Together as Friends – This church enjoyed “fellowship”, “breaking of bread”, and “singleness of heart”. A church is not a social club, but a few things create a bond like good Christian fellowship. Indeed, we can walk together as we make the trip there! (Phil. 1:27), “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.”

D. v. 47 They Witness Together as Saints – This church was not ashamed of their message, but they all worked to spread it to a lost world. The Lord still desires that His people share His message with the lost, Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:19-20.

4. His Church Obeys the Right Lord

eA. v. 41, 43, 47 Their Lord Is Powerful – This church was made up of the right kind of people carrying out the right kind of ministry. Thus, they enjoyed the blessings of God in their efforts. He “added” to their number daily. He manifested His power through “wonders and signs”. He

caused the community to notice the church’s work, v. 43, 47. This church was feared and respected by the community! That same kind of blessing is still available to the right kind of church!

B. v. 47 Their Lord Is Personal – This church didn’t worship an abstract, unknowable God. They worshipped a Lord Who personally redeemed them from their sins. They were in a powerful, saving relationship with Him. They knew Him, and they were consumed with love for Him, and that love permeated all they did. Everything else they did was a result of their love for their Master. It should be the same today (Rev. 2:1-7; Matt. 22:37-39; John 13:35.)

Conc: How well does Calvary fit the pattern?

• Are we the kind of church God can use and bless for His glory?

• A better question, since the church is not this building, but the people, is how well do we as individuals fit the pattern?

• Are we the kind of individuals God can bless and use to make His church as He designed it to be?

Look within you and ask sincerely to ask.

• Am I saved? If not, come to Jesus right now!

• Have I surrendered to the Lord?

• Am I a servant of the Lord?

As leaders and workers, ask yourself; Am I doing what I need to be doing?

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