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Revelation 2:1-7


In the seven unique letters written to the churches of Asia Minor, Jesus Christ is speaking to the very people He died to save. The letters contain words of Commendation, Correction, and Challenge. The one constant in each letter is that they each conclude with a precious promise to the overcomers

The word “overcomer” means “to conquer, or to carry off the victory.” It refers to saved people who remain faithful to Jesus in the face of enemies, temptations, and persecution.

 As Jesus speaks to the overcomers in each church, He urges faithful believers to continue for the glory of God. Jesus makes specific promises to faithful Christians, which are incentives to remain faithful.

Let’s examine these seven Divine Incentives to the Overcomer and allow the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts. May He teach us the How and the Hunger to become overcomers for the glory of His name.


A. The Ephesian church was busy for God, but they had fallen out of love with Jesus. He calls upon them to remember where they had once been with Jesus and to get back to the place where He was number one in their lives.

B. Jesus promises overcomers a glorious eternity in His presence. They have passed from death unto life. What the first Adam took from them, Jesus has restored to them (Rom. 5:12, 19) and we are promised a home in heaven

C. Salvation, restoration of fellowship with God, a home in heaven, everlasting life, these are all great incentives for living the best life possible! 


A. Smyrna was a church that was undergoing severe persecution which included being hounded, imprisonment and death by their persecutors. Jesus encourages them to remain faithful unto death, and He will reward them.

B. The Overcomers were promised deliverance from the second death, is eternal separation from God in a burning lake of fire (Rev. 20:11-15.). Overcomers – those who have been redeemed – do not need to worry about Hell, even after having lost their lives on earth. Through Jesus’ blood, they have been delivered from the wrath of God (Rom. 5:9).

C. For us as believers, this mean that while we may face death one day if Jesus tarries, but we need not fear. After all, Jesus has conquered death and removed its sting (1 Cor. 15:42-57). We will never go to Hell if we are saved and walking daily with him.


A. The church at Pergamos also endured intense persecution. It was located in the center of satanic activity. A number of their members had been martyred for Jesus’ sake in Pergamos. Additionally, there was sin in the camp! Jesus calls them to come back, or He comes to them in judgment.

B. Still, there was a faithful remnant in that church to whom Jesus makes two promises. First, to give them the “hidden manna”, like Israelites in the wilderness. Jesus would nourish these faithful ones. He also promises to give them a white stone. During that time in the past, court cases were determined using black and white stones where a white stone means acquittal, and black means condemned.

In another perspective friends would often take a stone called “tessera“, and they would break it in half and engrave unique words or nicknames. Each person would carry the half engraved stone to remind them of their friendship and mutual love. 

Finally, faithful and productive citizens in a city are given one of these white stones.

C. For us, this means that Jesus is going to nourish and support us through the wilderness of this world. He will give us “a stone” to signify our acceptance into heaven, the victory we have in Him, our standing as a citizen of glory, and to reflect the intimacy of our relationship with Him.


A. The church in Thyatira was active. They were busy, and the Lord recognized their works. However, they got condemned for allowing a wicked woman to dominate their worship and work as a church. She led Thyatira’s Church down the path of paganism and idolatry, and Jesus promised to deal with her and her accomplice with swift and sure judgment.

B. Even in a hotbed of iniquity like Thyatira, there were still faithful members (as shown throughout the New Testament in Tim. 2:12; Rev. 20:4). They are promised that when He returns, we are coming with Him (Rev. 19:14)!

They are also promised the “morning star” which appears during the darkest part of the night, signaling morning is coming. Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star (Rev. 22:16) and Jesus promises that while it may look dark in the world, but keep looking to the sky, for I am coming to get you one day (1 Thes. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-52).

C. His children will reign with Him one day, but before that ever happens, He will return to this earth to receive us unto Himself and take us away to be with Him, John 14:1-3. It is a glorious incentive to be faithful to Him!


A. While this church thought all was well, Jesus placed His finger on their pulse and pronounced them dead. He challenges them to hold on to the few things they still have going for them. They are to remember how things were and are supposed to be, and they are to repent. Otherwise, they will face Him in judgment.

B. Even in a dead church, there are still those with the life of God in their souls! Jesus promised to clothe them in white robes, which speak of righteousness (Rev. 19:8). In referring to the “book of life“, it is a book that contains the names of all the redeemed.

C. One day, Jesus Himself will lead us past the pearly gates of glory, through the jasper walls, silent ranks of angels, down the golden street of heaven, and into the very throne room of God Himself. There He will publicly proclaim us to be one of His Own! He knows our name, (John 10:3), and He is not ashamed to admit that we are His (Heb. 11:16).


A. The church in Philadelphia was blessed! They were little in strength but reaching the world for Jesus. The Lord has nothing but praise for this church and promised them open doors and blessings.

B. Filled with overcomers, this church is promised several great blessings.

First, they are to be set as pillars in the Lord’s temple in heaven. The city of Philadelphia recognizes outstanding citizens with their names engraved on the pillar alongside the names of their officials. It stood as a permanent reminder that this person was someone of note in the community. Although the Philadelphian Church was unrecognized, God said, “I see what you are doing, and I will honor you when you get home!

Second, the phrase, “Shall go out no more“, is important. It is in reference to the fact that Philadelphia is an active volcano and earthquake-ridden zone often causing the citizens being forced to flee. An earthquake shook the city in 17 B.C. and destroyed many temples. Afterwards, people refused to return to the city. But Jesus reminds them that they are headed to a place of safety in heaven. The world may be dangerous on every hand, but the righteous will find a place of eternal safety, peace, and rest.

Finally, these people would get marked as belonging to the Lord


A. The church at Laodicea was a self-centered, materialistic congregation. They felt that they were self-sufficient and did not need the Lord. Here, Jesus is pictured as being outside the church desiring to enter the presence of the family for which He died. He tells them that their attitude and self-righteous posture makes Him sick to His stomach and challenges them to seek Him and open the door to Him.

B. Still there are overcomers in this wicked church. The Lord’s promise to them is that they will join Him in His throne, which is also His Father’s throne. Today, we are seated with Him in Heaven, spiritually speaking (Eph. 2:6). He will invite His people to join Him in His glory and His exaltation when we get there. We do not deserve that kind of love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace, but it is ours through Him!

Conc: Would you like to be an overcomer? The first step is coming to Him by faith, getting down before Him, and asking Him for His help. I need to do that! How about you? If you want to be all He has saved you to be, then this altar is open to receive you into His presence at the throne of grace.

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