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Is the Old Man Dead?

Is the Old Man Dead?

Text: Colossians 3:1-17

When we come into this world, we are born into a sinful fleshly body, controlled by the world, the devil, and its lusts, Eph. 2:1-3; James 1:14. Then, one day, you come to Jesus for salvation! Do you remember the glory of that moment? The joy of that incredible feeling? It felt as though all the old, sinful ways were gone forever. It felt like the world was brand new, especially for you! It felt so good, and oh, how your heart rejoiced. However, it wasn’t long until it began to dawn on you that the old nature was still active. Perhaps you found yourself being drawn back to some of your old ways. You found that now, there was a spiritual struggle going on inside you, Gal. 5:17. It was at that moment that you realized that life was going to be a struggle.

It is this struggle which Paul is writing about here. In these verses, he gives us some ammunition to fight this battle. He lays out some principles that, if followed, will help us live the right kind of life before God and the world. Paul is telling us how to gain victory over the old man.


New Heavenly Desires

 – Affections – The mind is set on; or that which we side with. When we get saved, we are changed and should set our hearts on the things that glorify God -–1 Cor. 10:31. We are to be motivated by the heavenly and not the earthly. What motivates your life? (Ill. Like the compass’s needle always points North, so should the Christian always be drawn by a Heavenly pull.)

New Heavenly Deliverance

When we came to Jesus for salvation, we died! More than that, when He died on the cross, we died in Him – Rom. 6:6. The old man of sin, our old nature, died at Calvary! Therefore, we have been liberated from sin and are no longer slaves to sin (Rom. 6:7.)

A New Heavenly Destiny

Right now, we are in Jesus – Eph. 2:6. One day, soon, we will be with Him in glory. On that day, we will be like Him – 1 John 3:1-2. Thank God, the child of God is as sure for Heaven as if he were already there – Rom. 8:30!

D. These truths, alone, ought to be enough to make the child of God live for Christ consistently – 1 John 3:3!

Why do we sin if we claim our old man is dead?


A Challenge To Be Negative – (Ill. Mortify – To put to death – Ill. Mortician, mortuary.) It sounds negative, but often a negative response to something is the only valid one. (Ill. Surgery to remove a ruptured appendix, extracting a broken tooth, weeding a garden.) God says that a part of ourselves needs to be put to death and that we are charged to make the killing!

A Challenge To Our Nature – Paul names the activities that need to be put to death. Ill. Naming sin – People don’t like it, but it is necessary! Paul groups our sins into two groups.

1. v. 5 The Sensual Sins – Appealing to the senses. The sins of pleasure!

a. Fornication – Sexual impurity – of any kind!

b. Uncleanness – A life of impurity fueled by improper motives.

c. Inordinate Affection – It is depraved passions and mind that dwells on sin. Usually easily satisfied as the mind always concocts ways to satisfy the flesh! (Ill. The Physical aspect of c. and d.)

d. Evil Concupiscence – A lust for the sinful. (Ill. The Mental Aspect of c. and d.)

e. Covetousness – The sin of always wanting more, Heb. 13:6. Ill. Akin to idolatry!

How can we avoid being used by the old man?

2. v. 8-9 The Social Sins – Related to our dealing with others. We often try to rationalize and justify ourselves in these sins, but they are still wicked and defiling.

a. Anger – Sudden outbursts. It needs to be given to Jesus.

b. Wrath – Refers to God’s judgment on sin. It is a sin of playing God and passing judgment on others. That’s not our place. We are called to bear fruit, not inspect it!

c. Malice – Ill will toward another, includes a desire to injure and get revenge (Rom. 12:9.

d. Blasphemy – Speech which slanders another – either God or man. The most common form is gossip. When you attack God’s greatest work, man, you are, in essence, attacking God Himself.

e. Filthy Communications – Foul speech, course humor, obscene gestures.

f. Lying – Anything less than the absolute truth. When we lie, we have joined hands with the devil – John 8:44.


While the above activities and mindsets are characteristic of the world, the following are evidence of salvation. Sadly, in many Christian lives, these things are the exception and not the rule!)

A. v. 12-15 Characterized By New Deeds – (Ill. Put off – “once for all”; Put on – “Once for all” Here are the new deeds of the new life.

1. v. 12b The Fruit Of The Spirit – The new life, energized and led by God will always manifest the proof of the Spirit’s presence – Gal. 5:19-25. (Ill. It Shows itself in every area of life!)

2. v. 13 The Forgiveness Of The Saints – When Christ reigns in the heart, there will be no room for grudges or grievances, but only for forgiveness – Matt. 18:21-22; Luke 17:3-5.

3. v. 14 The Fragrance Of The Savior – When we are walking in the newness of life, we will have the fragrance of Christ in our lives, and that fragrance is love – John 13:35! The life controlled by the Lord is a life of love.

4. v. 15 The Fullness Of The Spiritual Life – The fullness of the Spirit demonstrates Himself in peace and assurance before God – 2 Cor. 13:5; 2 Pet. 1:10.); and between brethren,

How do we maintain our new identity?

( e.g; Euodias and Syntyche – Phil. 4:2.) Also manifested in a thankful Spirit before the Lord – 1 Thes. 5:18.

B. v. 16 Characterized By A New Direction – It is no more the flesh, the world, and the devil for the believer. Now, it is the will and Word of God.

1. A New Dependence Upon The Word (Ill. “dwell richly” = To inhabit in abundance and be at home in. Christians dare not be strangers to the Bible.) The Word cannot get into you until you first get into it! When it gets in you, it will control you.

2. A New Declaration Of The Word – Ill. “Admonish” – To instruct and warn of evil. The saints of God are to have a heart for their wayward brother – Gal. 6:1- Restore – To set a broken bone!

3. A New Demonstration Before The World – Ill. A heart of praise will fill the believer when the new man is in control.

C. v. 17 Characterized By New Decisions – No longer are we interested in pleasing the flesh, but every decision is based on whether or not it brings glory to the Lord. Such is the life controlled by the new man.

Conclusion: Is the old man dead in your life? If not, it will show up on you! Ancient Roman custom of forcing a murderer to wear the corpse of his victim.) Death ate into him and drained him of life. So it is with us. Who controls your life? The flesh? The world? The devil? Or, is it the Spirit of God? If the wrong one is in control, your life will be out of control and less than pleasing to the Lord. But, praise His Name! He allows for new beginnings!

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