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The Sweet Music of Victory

The Sweet Music of Victory

Text: Judges 5:1-31
The victory over Sisera results in Barak and Deborah launching into song. Their song got recorded
for us in chapter 5. It is a song of praise to the God Who gave them the victory over their enemy.

  1. They Praised God For His Virtues (v. 1-12): The primary thrust of these verses is a refrain
    of praise offered to God for His wonderful works among the people of Israel. He gave
    them unity so they could raise an army, v. 2; 9. The Lord Who had given them victory in
    the past would not fail them now, v. 4-5. God, in His faithfulness, gave them Deborah to
    lead them, v. 7. God allowed them to defeat their enemies and freed them from the
    bondage of their oppressors, v. 6-7; 10-12. They praise God for His power in their lives.
    That is a valid reason for praise on this day. Take a moment to inventory your life. Hasn’t
    God been good to you? You are saved and blessed beyond words. He is worthy of our
    love, worship, and praise!
  2. They Praised God For His Volunteers (v. 13-18,23): When the call went out for
    volunteers, only half the tribes came to fight. The rest refused to go to war. In the days of
    Joshua, every tribe was expected to fight for the nation. When Barak called for warriors,
    many would not come. The town of “Meroz” was cursed by the Angel of the Lord because
    it refused to send volunteers to help the Lord. By the way, things have not changed today.
    A minority of the people carry out the majority of the work. The call has gone out for us
    to tell the world about Jesus, but few go. The call has gone out for us to take our stand
    against evil, but few have answered. The call has come for us to rally ourselves together
    and fight the good fight of faith, but few answer the call.
  3. They Praised God For His Victory (v. 19-23): The power of God defeated the enemy. He
    sent the rain and defeated the 900 iron chariots of the Canaanites. We look at our world
    today and wonder whether we can have victory anymore. If we will stand together and
    fight the good fight of faith, God will empower us and lead us to victory for His glory. 1
    Cor. 1:26-31.
  4. They Praised God for His Vessels (v. 24-31): They close their song by praising the Lord for
    His unsung heroes. They praised the Lord for the bravery of Jael in slaying Sisera. Her act
    of bravery allowed the nation to enjoy the victory. God always has His people. He has
    those secret ones through whom He is working. We ought to praise God for the unsung
    heroes of the Christian faith. People like Hur, who, along with Aaron, held up the arms of
    Moses while Israel battled the Amalekites, Num. 17. We have that same kind of heroes in
    this building right now. These are the prayer warriors, silent servants, people who do the
    little things that no one notices, and the people who serve behind the scenes. There is a
    God in Heaven Who sees who you are, and He watches what you do. Carry on, and He will
    bless you in His way, in His time, Gal. 6:9.
    Conclusion: v 31 closes out the story and the song of Deborah. This verse is a prophecy that
    reminds us that the enemies of the Lord will get destroyed, while the faithful saints of God will
    shine with His glory someday.
    Let me encourage you to keep on serving the Lord One day Jesus is coming. When He does, He is
    taking His children home with Him. When we get there, we will stand before Him and give an
    account of our service to Him. On that day, if you have been faithful, you will receive rewards for
    everything you have ever done for His glory, 1 Cor. 3:10-15. Others, who have lived for
    themselves, will see everything burn up and perish. But you who are faithful will hear Him say,
    “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make
    thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”
    So, turn from sin, live for Jesus, and look for the day when He balances the books. It will be worth
    it all then!
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