1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304



The parable of the Sower is given to teach the truth that only a prepared heart can receive the Gospel message. The Gospel will come to every kind of person, but only those who are ready to receive it when it comes will be saved and produce fruit to the glory of God. Since that is true, this parable answers several questions we have regarding witnessing, preaching, and why some people are saved and others are not.

We want to look at this person who takes his seed, goes into his field, and begins to sow. Some comparisons can be drawn between the Sower in this parable and those who take the Gospel message into the field of this world.


A. The Sower has one desire as he enters his field: to get his seed into the soil. He wants to plant his crop so that he can reap a harvest at the proper season.

B. God did not give us the Gospel so that we could hoard it up, keep it to ourselves and shout about the blessing we have. He did not give us the seed so that we might allow it to rot in the barn, Haggai 2:19.

C. God’s mandate to His people is that we take the seed of the Gospel into the field of the world and sow it for His glory. We are commanded to share the Gospel: Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8.

D. Is there a burden to get the Gospel into the field of the world? If there is, then honor it and go. If there isn’t, then get before the Lord and pray until He places such a burden on your heart!


A. This sower casts the seed everywhere. He broadcasts it far and wide. Such should be the method of our sowing as well. The commands of our Lord’s commission are clear:

  •    We are to “Go! Where are we to go? “Into all the world,” Mark 16:15. No place is off-limits. No people group is off-limits. We are to go everywhere and tell everybody! (Note The emphasis of “Go.” in both Mark 16:15 and Matt. 28:19 is “as you go.” Our going and our telling is to be a lifestyle! We are to be living epistles, proclaiming the Gospel message as we go through life, 2 Cor. 3:1-3.)

 •    We are to “Tell! Mark 16:15 says, “Preach.” Matt. 28:19 says, “Teach.” What are we to tell a lost world? Are we to brag and boast about our church? Our preacher? Our choir? No! We are to tell a lost and dying world about the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for sinners. We are to go into this world, and we are to share the Gospel! What is our message? We are to tell them what Jesus did for sinners, 1 Cor. 15:3-4. We are to tell them what Jesus has done for us, Ill. Paul 1 Tim. 1:12-15.

•    We are to tell everybody Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” We ought to make sure that everyone in every circle of our lives hears the Gospel from our lips. It does not matter who they are, what they do for a living, where they live, their skin color, etc. If they live, breathing human beings, they need to hear the Gospel, and it is our duty to tell them!

•    We are to all be involved in the going and the telling. (Ill. “Ye,” Matt. 28:19). The Gospel is a message that children, adults, and anyone in between can share! It is not just for the preachers and evangelists, but it is a command for all of God’s children. If you have been saved, then you have a message to share. Remember, sheep produce more sheep! How long has it been since you told someone else about Jesus Christ?

C. The level of the harvest we receive will correspond directly to the number of seeds we sow in the field. Do you want your church to grow? Then sow! Do you want to see people saved in these altars? Then sow! Do you want to be involved in your Father’s kingdom work? Then sow the Gospel seed everywhere in all kinds of soil, and He will give the increase, 1 Cor. 3:6-8.

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