1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304


Rev. 2:1-7

The letters to the seven churches can be interpreted in three different ways: 

Prophetically, (Church history – Pentecost to 100 A.D.); Practically, (to a literal church, and individual churches throughout history); Personally, (To every believer). These seven messages should speak to each individual as well as to the needs of this church here. But, do not forget that this letter went to a real, active church.

Ill. Ephesus, “the Vanity Fair of Asia,” “The Supreme Metropolis of Asia.”. Famous in three ways:

1. Religion: The temple of Diana; the seventh wonder of the world; bank; art; sin;

2. Commercially: Port city; Military city, industrial city;

3. Politically:  A free city, self-ruled. It was here that Paul founded the church in Ephesus, Acts 18. He spent three years here preaching and training the people; Apollos preached here, Aquila and Priscilla ministered here, pastored by Timothy and later by John.

A church greatly blessed by much spiritual light. Yet, they were a church with a problem. Jesus came to them and diagnosed them as cold and fallen. Verse 1 identifies the speaker as Jesus. He is walking in His church, seeing and judging. We are reminded that He is in full control. Let us listen in as Jesus gives them the cure for the common cold.

Q1 How can we get the best from a scriptural passage?


    A.  v.1-2a THEY WERE STANDING UP TO THE TASK – (Ill. A busy church!) (Ill. Works – what they should be!) (Ill. Labor – Work to the point of pain – involved personal sacrifice) (Patience – endurance.  The opposition did not phase them.)


1. They hated moral evil – Practiced separation – Ro. 16:17; 2Thes. 3:6. (Ill. Corinth – 1 Cor. 5:11-13)

 2. They hated ministerial evil – Put preachers to the test! (Ill. 12 apostles) (Ill. V. 6 – Nicolaitans – 2 Views: 1.  A priestly sect 2. Followers of Nicolas taught that to know what sin was about. You had to experience it – a Gnostic cult.

    C. v.3   THEY WERE STANDING IN THE TEST – They persevered in the face of opposition. Gal. 6:9 Obedient and active on the surface, but internally, they were sick people.  THE COMMON COLD afflicted them. 

Q2 What can we learn from Jesus’ commendation to the church


    A. v.4 THE VITALITY OF THEIR PASSION WAS GONE – They were a saved and serving people, but their motives for service were wrong.  (Ill. Prestige, position, reputation, duty, fear). Love is the only worthwhile motive!

    1. They had lost the honeymoon love – (Ill. 2Cor. 11:2)

    2. Like Martha, they were so busy they had no time for Jesus.

    3. Lack of love is plain to see.  It manifests itself in several ways. Enthusiasm, attendance, Joy, witnessing, praise, study, prayer – all suffer when you have a cold toward the Lord!  (Ill. Actually, it is a backslidden state!)

  B. v.5a THE VALIDITY OF THEIR PROFESSION WAS GONE – Jesus declares that they have fallen.  They lack that closeness to Him they had. Outwardly, they looked impressive, but inwardly, their works were fake.  They came from a wrong and warped motive! (Ill. Shields – 1 Kings 14:25-27)


    A. v.5b LOVE MUST BE ABSOLUTELY PARAMOUNT – Jesus says they need to consider four things.

    1. Remember – Consider where He brought them from and where they used to be with Him! (Ill. Remember the excitement? The joy? the dreams?)

    2. Repent – 1 John 1:9 Get right with God!

    3. Repeat – Fall back in love with the Lord and His work!  Be motivated by love.

    4. Removal – No love for Jesus, no light for Jesus! (Ill. 1 Cor. 13:1-3) A church or a Christian without love is a false witness!  They give a false signal of what Jesus is all about!  Jesus will not tolerate a church without love. (Ill. It might function, but there will be no testimony, no power, no presence of God!) They might as well be dead and gone!

  B. v.7 LOVE MUST BE ABSOLUTELY PERSONAL – Jesus appeals to the individual. We are saved one by one, and we will be restored one by one! To love the Lord and the Lord’s work is a personal decision.

Q3 What can we learn from Jesus’ rebuke to the Ephesian church?

Conclusion:  Is your love what it ought to be? Why do you do what you do? If it is not out of love for Jesus, then your motive, regardless of what it is, is absolutely wrong!  Jesus tells them to endure, and when it is finished, they will receive blessing from the tree of life in heaven. What a blessing! After all He has done for us, how can we not love Him? Do you need a revival of love? Do you need to experience the cure for the all too common cold? If so, then come to Jesus right now and experience a new honeymoon with the Lord.

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