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Rev. 1:9-20

To understand any book of the Bible—especially Revelation, with its complexity and depth—we must understand the setting or backdrop against which it was written. Many books require an in-depth study to find out this information, but this gives it all to us right here in these verses. As we study this passage tonight, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, and I guarantee that you will be blessed. Let us look together at the BACKDROP FOR THE REVELATION.


A. Who Wrote the Book? John (90-100 years old!) (Ill. Older folk have a place)

1. Brother – (Ill. No distinction between ministry and congregation!)
2. Companion – Persecution, 2 Tim, 3:12; Service; Watching

B. Where Was John? Patmos – A 10-mile by 6-mile rock in the Mediterranean Sea. Rome used this island as a hard labor prison. (Ill. The providence of God – Domitian tried to kill John, but when he could not do it, he had him banished to Patmos. A place where God could get him alone and speak to him.) (Ill. He was there physically, but He was in the Spirit also!) (Ill. All believers are in two locations:

1. v.9b – Earthly location – Patmos
2. v.10a – Spiritual Location – In the Spirit (Ill. Need for balance) (Ill. We need to worship in the Spirit – John 4:24) (Ill. John alone at church – Any service is what we make it!)

C. Why Was He There?

1. His Preaching – 1 Cor. 1:18
2. His Testimony – Ill. Christianity was a criminal activity. It might be that again.


A. v.11b The Command John Received – Write it and Send it

B. v.19 The Conditions John Received – (God’s Divine Outline)

1. Past – (Ch. 1)
2. Present – (Ch. 2-3)
3. Prospective – (Ch. 4-22)

(This is the KEY verse of Revelation. You miss it, and you will fall into false interpretations.) 


(Ill Jesus is the centerpiece of the Revelation, v.1a)

A. v.12 Candlesticks – (Ill. Lampstands) A picture of the church, Mt. 5:16 (verse 20)

B. v.13 Jesus is in the midst of His churches! Mt. 18:20. He meets us here! (Ill. What is He doing when He comes to church?)

C. v.14-18 Jesus Displayed – Ill. When John Turned around, he saw:

1. v.11a His Personality – Ill. The author and the finisher – Heb. 12:2; John 8:58
2. v.13 His Position – (Ill. Son of Man – John knew Him well! John 19:26; 13:25; 21:7. He is Signified by His clothing. Clothes do not make the man, they mark him. His garments mark Him as: Priest (Praying); King (Guiding); Judge (Examining)
3. v.14-16 His Person.

a. v.14 Head and hair – Purity, Age, Wisdom (1 Pet. 2:22; Dan. 7:9)
b. v.14 Eyes – Perception – Heb. 4:13
c. v.15 Feet – Persistence – (Ill. Will never quit, Ill. His Life) In Judgment, He will stomp all of His enemies – Heb. 10:12-13)
d. v.15 Voice – Power – (Ill Voice of authority; Niagara, ocean) He cannot be argued with; He will have the final say!
e. v.16 Stars in hand – Protection – (Ill. Safe in the hand of Jesus – Col. 3:3)
f. v.16 Mouth – Perfection – Heb. 4:12, Jesus always spoke the perfect Word.
g. v.16 Countenance – Peerlessness – Like the Sun, He has no equals! (Churches = Lampstands; Messengers = Stars; Jesus = The Sun – He outshines them all!)

4. v.17 His Peace – John’s reaction and Jesus’ touch. He was always dispensing peace – John 6:20; John 14:27.

5. v.18 His Power – This verse tells all we need to know to give us peace concerning the future! Jesus is in control of all, Mt. 28:18.

a. Resurrection – His and ours.
b. His Right – He holds the keys that unlock death’s door! He has authority over death and judgment – Eph. 4!

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