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Count it all joy means what?

Count it all joy means what?

In some English translations of the Bible, James 1:2 contains the clause count it all joy. It is the first command James gives in his epistle. To understand what he means by it, we must look at the entire passage and surrounding verses (James 1:2–4). 

The word count is a financial term, and it means “to evaluate.” When James says to “count it all joy,” he encourages his readers to evaluate the way they look at trials. He calls believers to develop a new and improved attitude that considers trials from God’s perspective. Believers are to expect “trials of various kinds” (James 1:2). Trials are part of the Christian experience. Jesus told His disciples, “In this world, you will have trouble” (John 16:33).

 Typically, a trial is not an occasion for joy. Trials are difficult and painful. But they exist for a purpose. Knowing there is a bigger picture, we can consider trials as things to rejoice in. Even though joy is contrary to our normal reaction, James urges us to work on changing our attitude toward troubles from dread to positive expectation, faith, trust, and even joy.

 James says, “count it all joy,” that is, we can consider trials and testings as pure, unalloyed, total joy. Often trials are viewed negatively, or we assume that joy cannot exist in hardship. Worse, we consider the hard times as God’s curse upon us or His punishment for our sin, rather than what they are—opportunities to joyfully mature into Christlikeness.

 James 1:3 explains that Trials are like training challenges for an athlete. They build physical endurance and stamina. Trials develop our spiritual muscles, giving us the stamina and endurance to stay the course (Romans 5:2–5). We can count it all joy in trials because we learn to depend on God in them. Faith that got tested becomes genuine faith, rugged faith, uncompromising faith (1 Peter 1:6–7).

 God also uses trials to discipline us: “God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in his holiness” (Hebrews 12:10). Trials help to purge our spiritual shortcomings and mature our faith. They promote joy because they produce holiness in the life of steadfast believers. The idea here is for Christians to embrace trials for the outcome God will accomplish through them. Observe the promise in James 1:12

 Joseph (Genesis 37:1–38) could not see the beautiful, life-saving outcome that God would accomplish through his years of suffering when he got sold in Egypt. After his ordeal with Potiphar’s wife, Joseph spent long years forgotten in prison. Eventually, God’s plan came to fruition, and Joseph got raised to the second most powerful position over Egypt. Through many trials and tests, Joseph learned to trust God. He later rescued the entire nation and his family.

 After coming through the trials victoriously, Joseph understood God’s good purpose in all he had endured. Joseph was able to see God’s sovereign hand in it all. Having mature, Joseph spoke these words of forgiveness to his brothers in Genesis 50:19–20.

 James 1:4 says a believer who perseveres through trials is made strong. Christians who face trials with a joyful outlook—trusting God to accomplish His good purpose—will develop into full spiritual maturity. They will be equipped with everything they need to overcome every trial they encounter. That’s certainly a good reason to rejoice.


 To count it all joy when we face trials, we must evaluate the difficulties in life with eyes of faith and see them in light of God’s good purpose. When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your lives, realize that they come to test your faith and to produce in you the quality of endurance. Allow the process to go on until that endurance is fully developed. In the end, you will find you have become men of mature character.

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