1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304



Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Former President George H.W. Bush was asked this question, “What is your greatest accomplishment in life?” President Bush might have mentioned his success during World War 2 as a Navy pilot. He might have called to mind his 8 years as Vice President and his own successful presidency. But, when answering this question, President Bush revealed his heart as well as his priorities when he said, “My greatest accomplishment is that my children still come to see me.

What a statement! When everything else in life is weighed and considered in light of its importance, there is no greater ministry than that given to parents. Your children are your greatest investment in the future. Apparently, Mr. Bush had done right by his children.

The Bible is clear when it reminds us that children are a precious gift from the Lord, Psa. 127:3-5, “Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

Q1: What factors make parents fail in their parenting responsibilities?

Far too often, however, children are seen as an inconvenience and as a nuisance. Instead of being seen as a blessing, parenting is often seen as a burden. We must remember that our children have been placed in our lives for just a few short years. 


Successful parenting always begins with a parent’s relationship with God. No parent can succeed in helping a child grow up into the image of the Lord unless they know the Lord.

Parents must be walking in the right relationship before the Lord, or they will never have the influence in their children’s lives that is needed. In other words, you will never be able to lead your children somewhere you have never been. These first few verses speak to this issue and show parents where they need to be if they will be the effective parents God desires them to be.)

Q2: Why is it that children of hypocritical parents do not usually follow the “preaching.” given by their parents to live. 


There are to be no other gods in our lives. Too often, children see parents putting everything in the world ahead of God. It may be a job, a hobby, a friend, etc. Whatever comes ahead of God in your life is an idol, and it sends a false message to our children.       


Q3: What should be the primary child training manual parents should employ?

We are to take the Word of God and make it the primary motivator in all we do as parents. Moses mentions three things that we to do with God’s Word.)

A.  v. 6 We Are to Study It – The Word is to be taken in, and it is to be allowed to change our lives. If I expect my life to impact my children, I must be transformed by the Word myself.

B.  v. 7 We Are to Share It – This verse says that we are to teach “diligently” our
children the Word. The word “diligently” means “to whet or to sharpen.” It carries the idea “of stabbing, or of one object penetrating another.

C.  v. 8-9 We Are to Show It – These verses teach us that the Word should be displayed on our hands, foreheads and doorposts as a sign and reminder to ourselves, our children and to others.

In other words, our training is to penetrate deeply into our children. We are to help them, based on God’s word, to be keen, sharp, and discerning when it comes to living life. We are to develop in them a set of convictions based on the Word of God that will guide them through life.


We need to realize That Each Child Is Born with A Sinful Nature Psa. 51:5 – They seem so sweet when they get here. But do not be fooled by that sweet baby. Inside every one of them is a defiled, sinful nature, and it begins expressing itself almost immediately, Psa. 58:3; Rom. 3:10-23; 5:12.

Susannah Wesley, who raised 17 children, including John and Charles Wesley, said this about discipline, “The parent that studies to subdue self-will in his child works together with God in renewing and saving a soul. The parent who indulges it does the devil’s work, makes salvation unattainable, and does all that in him lies to damn his child, soul, and body forever.”)

It is far easier to build a child than to repair an adult! May the Lord help us to do everything in our power to be the best parents we can be to His praise and glory.

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