1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304



Christians cannot enjoy a more incredible privilege than being used by God for the salvation of precious souls. As Christians, our responsibility is to get actively concerned in winning the lost all the days of our life. This task is not to be left to the pastor and evangelist only but should be the full-time job of every believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are saved to serve,’ and in this study, we are to consider HOW, WHEN, and WHERE we are to do it.


The best way to find the answer to this question is to study how the Lord Jesus sought and dealt with those He won to Himself during His earthly ministry. It can only result in a quickened concern for souls and a new conception of what the late missions director, Mr. Oswald Sanders has called the divine art of soul-winning. How are we to seek to win souls?

  1. With a confession that humbles us. We cannot do this work in our strength (2 Corinthians 3:5). The first requirement for success is an honest admission that we cannot do it and that any success that comes is The result of His working (1 Corinthians 3:6). This truth is so fundamentally important that it cannot be over-emphasized.
  2. With confidence, that enables us. We are to have no confidence in the flesh, but we must have absolute confidence in the power of the Lord to Work through us (Philippians 4:13). When we seek to win a soul, we have the Triune God’s co-operation to enable us and ensure complete victory – lookup Zechariah 4:6.
  3. With a conviction that grips us. We must be convinced that the souls whom we would win are souls for whom the Savior died (2 Corinthians 5:15); that He is not willing that they should perish (2 Peter 3:9); that He has commissioned us to seek them (Matthew 28:19; Luke 14:23); and that they are desperately needy (Luke 19:10; Ephesians 2:1).
  4. With compassion, that moves us. We must feel the need of the lost deeply, as Jesus did. How often He was moved with compassion! Lookup Matthew 9:36; Luke 19:41, and compare Matthew 14:14; 15:32; Mark 1:41; 6:34; 8:2; Luke 7:13; 10:33. How we lack real compassion for the souls of men!
  5. With care, that restrains us. We must do this work earnestly, zealously, passionately but with very great care and tact. We need the wisdom He is willing to give us if we are humble enough to ask (James 1:5). Notice that while the KJV rendering of Proverbs 11:30 is “He that winneth souls are wise,” the RV rendering is, “He that is wise winneth souls.”


We are to be on the job continually. We are to do it today (John 9:4), and every day, God spares us to live down here. But notice:

  1. We are to seek to win souls when the Holy Spirit prompts. If we live in close touch with Him, He will direct us to a needy soul and drive us to speak the word of salvation to that one. The best New Testament illustration of this is Acts 8:26-29 –- and the Holy Spirit is just the same today. He still waits to direct His servants to those He has prepared and who are ready and waiting to be led to the Saviour.
  2. We are to seek to win souls when the opportunity is given. Wherever there are people, there is our opportunity. Look up 2 Timothy 4:2. ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a Way.’ Opportunities are so many and so constant that we are all left without excuse.
  3. We are to seek to win souls when the need is very urgent. Sometimes we may come face to face with a very needy and urgent case. Then we must act quickly and faithfully. Perhaps a loved one or neighbor is dying without Christ! There is no time to be lost John 9:4.


The answer is: wherever there are lost souls to be sought and won for the Saviour. But notice the following:

  1. We need to begin in our own homes and with our loved ones. Look up Mark 5:19; Luke 8:39; compare John 1:41; Acts 16:30-34, and notice the last part of Acts 9.30! Have you faithfully evangelized in your family circle?
  2. Then, we need to become concerned about our friends. Have you asked the Lord to give you the joy of winning your neighbors to Him? Look up Luke 5:27-29; John 4:39. You live where you are, not by chance, but because the Lord wants you to be His witness just there.
  3. We are to seek to win souls just where the Lord has placed us. In our Jerusalem (Acts 1:8) home, office, factory, hospital, etc., our’ Judea,’ or our ‘ Samaria‘…Where are you now? There is a place to seek and win the lost. The whole world is our parish; let us be up and doing, for the time is short (1 Corinthians 9:16)!

” Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35)

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