1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304

The Godly Woman

The Godly Woman

(1Timothy 2: 8-10, 1Pet 3:1-7)

Misconceptions of womanhood

  1. Egalitarianism: Believing in the equality of males and females in all perspective
  2. Servitude: In most of the world, women were considered to be property

Biblical Womanhood

From Gen 2:18, 1Pet 3:7

Complementarianism – Biblical view of womanhood. This view teaches that men and women are created equal, but different. The differences between men and women serve to compliment the areas where the other gender is lacking. Under this view, men and women stand as spiritual equals in Jesus, but the sexes fill different roles within the church, homes and society.

The Godly Woman

  1. A worshipper: Lk 7:37-38 & 47-48, 10:38-39,42 and Lk1:74-75

Her changed life is marked by good works and proper adornment. 1Tim2: 8-10   Men to pray everywhere, lifting holy hands, no anger or argument and, Women: dress modestly- NLT says-wear decent and appropriate clothing, not to draw attention to self! The presence of the Lord (Church) is not the place for shorts or revealing attire. A proper adornment of the outer man reflects a properly adorned heart. Your clothing is a reflection of your heart. What you wear to church reveals what you think about church and about the Lord Jesus Christ. Her Personal and Powerful Testimony: (V8-10, I Pet 3: 3-4): Relationship with Jesus (a life assured of forgiveness of sins) is the foundation of godly womanhood. Restitution: Give things back to rightful owners and apologize for offences to others! (Acts 24:16). Crucified life: A life surrendered to Jesus. (Gal2:20). I am crucified with Christ… Christ lives in me.

  • A Worker for Christ: Rom 16:1-2

Phebe was called “a servant of the church”. She worked in the church for the glory of God. There is much work for women to do in the home, church and community.

  • A Witness for Jesus: (John 4:29) … come see a man…

The Samaritan woman was not ashamed of her testimony. Your testimony is important. Tell it to your children. Tell it to your spouse. Tell it to your colleague. Tell it to your church. Tell it to your community. Tell it to everyone you meet.

  •  A Warrior: Acts 1:14 (Disciples with women), 12:12 (Peter met other believers meeting in Mary’s house for prayer after his deliverance from prison through their prayers, (1Sam 1:9-18) Hannah’s prayer.

There is a passion and a compassion in a woman’s prayer that is often missing in the prayers of a man. The spouse, children, church and the community need you to be on your knees touching Heaven for the glory of God. Prayer meetings are good but more importantly, let Heaven recognize you as a person that knows to bow your knees to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • A Window: (Good example) 2 Tim. 1:5- Grandma Lois and Mom Eunice were windows of virtue and grace for Timothy and women today.

A godly woman is a window of: honesty, purity, discipline, self-control, motherhood, kindness and homemaking, open to learning, quick to repent/forgive, transparent character/no secrecy.

Who is sufficient for these things?

(Is 64:8, Jeremiah 18: 6)

He is our potter, we are the clay, let’s ask Him to mold us to His likeness and He will do it.

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