1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304

You Are A Steward

You Are A Steward

{It is God’s anyway}

Define stewardship from Genesis 2:15-17? 

Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given to you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not provide him with anything that was not in a sense His own already.”

C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

The concept of Biblical Stewardship is not limited to money but much more expansive. It is where the concepts of faith, work, and economics intersect. The bible makes it noticeably clear that God owns everything. When you understand He owns it all, it makes giving and life of stewardship easier to live out. 

God owns all things.

(Psalm 24:1) God owns it all. Everything we have comes from Him. He makes us his steward (Psalm 115:16). All we are is God’s and not earned. Read I Corinthians 4:7. Your life, health, career, intelligence, strength is a gift, etc. The only reason we have anything is that God gave it to us. 

Read Deuteronomy 8:17.

Exercise: Take a moment and think of one thing that you earned by yourself.

Now read Deuteronomy 8:18. 

God is generous.

1 Chronicle 29:14.

God is a giver. He is generous. When we understand that all things come from Him, we should willingly and generously give back to Him. This truth explains the response of the people and David. I Chron. 29:12. It animates all Christian giving. When you understand you a steward, it should be easy to give back. (John 3:16) God has given to us, and He wants us to trust Him and give back in return. (2 Cor. 8:5) Give yourself first. That is very crucial. Be generous with your life. Serve the Lord with your whole being. 

Be a good steward.

Besides been generous, God has given us His resources to manage and oversee. (Gen. 2:15-17) One day God will call us to provide an account of it. (Matt 25:14, 19. I Cor. 4:1 – 2.) Every spending decision is a spiritual decision. Every dollar, talent, intellect, etc., you spend is an investment in God’s Kingdom or the Kingdom of this world. (Matthew 6:19-21) God will honor a faithful steward. Prov 27:18. 

When we stand before God, we should all want to hear the words – “well done, good and faithful servant.”

Conclusion Since God owns it all and He has entrusted us to manage it. We need to be faithful stewards of all God has given us within the opportunities presented through his providence to glorify him, serve the common good, and further his Kingdom.

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