1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304

Victory Is Certain For All

Victory Is Certain For All


Joshua 8:1-35

Our text speaks about the tiny city of Ai. From all indications, this city should have been a pushover for Israel as they marched through Canaan. However, in chapter 7, Israel experienced her only defeat when they attacked Ai’s little city. In that battle, thirty-six of their soldiers died, and Israel fled from Ai’s soldiers.

Why was Israel unable to conquer this little city of Ai at this time?

Israel experienced this defeat for a couple of reasons. First, they failed to seek the Lord’s will before they went into battle. They were arrogant after their victory at Jericho and assumed they were beyond defeat. They learned differently.

Another reason they suffered this defeat was that there was sin among them. When Israel faced Jericho in chapter 6, God commanded them to destroy the city, but they were to take the city’s wealth and dedicate it to the Lord. A man named Achan took some of that wealth for himself and brought the wrath of God upon the whole nation. Because of these two failures, Israel suffered a tragic defeat at Ai.

What lessons should we learn from the unfortunate defeat of Israel?

The Lord used the defeat at Ai to teach Israel the importance of holiness and seek the Lord’s will in every situation. He used this defeat to teach them the danger of pride, Pro. 16:18. One of the most valuable lessons Israel learned was the truth that they needed the Lord, His presence, and His power, if they were going to defeat their enemies and walk in victory.

There is a sense in which we believers are a lot like Israel. Children of God know about spiritual battles. They are aware of the powerful enemies such as the world, flesh, and the devil who are out to destroy. These enemies are bound for defeat if handled accordingly.

As we move into these verses, let us get it clear, Ai is a picture of one of our enemies. Ai is a picture of the flesh. The word “Ai” means “a heap of ruins.” That is an excellent way to describe our flesh or our fallen, human natures.

What does the Bible say about the flesh (support with scripture references)?

Paul reminds us of the wickedness of the flesh in Rom. 7:18, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing…” Our flesh is dead, Eph. 2:1, and it is wicked and unredeemable, Rom. 3:10-23.

The first mention of Ai is in the book of Genesis in connection with the life of Abraham, Gen. 12:8; 13:3. The Bible tells us that Abraham pitched his tent “between Bethel and Hai.” Now, the name “Bethel” means “The house of God.” Like Abraham, many of God’s people have pitched their tents somewhere between “the house of God” and “a heap of ruins.”

Do we see the connection? We can either live in a place of victory and blessing or live in a place of defeat and misery. We can either have a Bethel kind of life or an Ai experience. The kind of life we live will be determined by where we pitch our tent!

Just like Israel, we often lose battles to our flesh, but by God’s help, we can learn how to defeat our Ai and walk away with the victory in our lives.

  • I do not know the battles that you are fighting with your flesh, but I do know that you are.
  • I do not know the battles you are fighting with your flesh, but I know you can experience victory over your Ai.


Word About Winning (v1-2) – When the Lord speaks to Joshua, God tells him to go to Ai. God promises Joshua that things will be different this time. He assures Joshua and Israel of the victory. Interestingly, the Lord called them to return to the place of their most significant defeat. God knew that they needed to overcome Ai before they could move on in the conquest of Canaan.

The same is true for us.

  • How many times have we lost the battle to the flesh?
  • How many times has this old sinful nature’s lust defeated us for the forbidden?
  • How many times have we fallen and wondered if we would ever get back to where we were before? If that is the experience, the Lord has a word for us today!

Mention God’s promises in the Bible for believers as we battle the flesh.

God told Joshua, “Fear not… I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land: And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and her king…” To those who have fallen and have lost a battle to the flesh, God says, “Fear not! I am able to give you the victory!”

God has made some tremendous promises to His children. We do not have to live in defeat!

  • We are no longer slaves to sin, the flesh, and the devil. “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace,” Rom. 6:14!
  • We have been made “new creatures” in Jesus Christ. “Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new,” 2 Cor. 5:17.
  • We have been given “divine nature.” “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust,” 2 Pet. 2:4.
  • We are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, who teaches us about the dangers of sin and the blessings of holiness. “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth…” John 16:13.
  • God has promised the victory to His children. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Cor. 15:57
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