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Israel Prevailed

Israel Prevailed

Text: Joshua 6: 6-21

Israel has finally crossed the Jordan. They have prepared themselves spiritually and they have, thus far, followed God’s orders to the letter. Now, they are ready to begin the conquest of the Promised Land. They are ready to claim for themselves the land that flowed with milk and honey. However, like most things in life that are worth having, it would not come cheap.

For Israel, Jericho would be a benchmark. It was at Jericho that they would flex their muscles and experience military victory and conquest. Now, just for a moment, try to put yourself into the shoes of the average Israelite soldier. For most of these men, Jericho was the first city they had ever seen that was surrounded by huge walls. It must have looked like and absolute impossibility to many. However, they listened to the instructions they were given by the Lord and they saw those massive walls fall down flat.

Q: Why should we give greater priority to God’s Word above our opinion or advice of friends?


A.    The context. Israel marched around the city in obedience to the Lord and they prevailed. The absurdity of the command. Can you imagine how the people in Jericho must have reacted? They saw the armies of Israel approaching their city and they probably thought that they were about to be invaded by the enemy. Then, just as Israel came near the city, they turned and began to march around the walls. I can see those inside Jericho as they ran to see where the Israelites would mount their attack. However, instead of attacking, the soldiers, and the priests merely marched around the city one time. All that was heard was the sound of the ram’s horn trumpets and the pounding of the soldier’s feet upon the ground. This was repeated for 6 days. By this time, the people in Jericho were no doubt mocking and jeering the Israelites. Then on the seventh day, they compassed the city seven times.

When they had finished that seventh lap, the priests gave a long blast on the trumpets and the people of Israel shouted with a great shout! It was not the shout of an attacking army, it was not a shout of fear, but it was a shout raised in praise to their God Who had promised them the victory. When the people shouted, the walls fell down flat, and Israel ran into the city and utterly destroyed it. They had a great victory.

B. There are some reasons why Israel experienced victory at Jericho:

i. They had a Word from God – (v.2-6) 2 Tim. 2:15; John 16:13

ii. They believed God – (v.8-20)

      God said it, that settled it! Do we really believe God? Mark 11:22. Matt. 21:21-22!

iii. They acted in faith – (Ill. Heb. 11:1; 11:6) (Ill. I John 5:14-15, James 1:8)

iv. They did it God’s way – This is the secret to success. His way may seem too hard, too slow, or as in this case too foolish, but His way is always the best way. (Isa. 55:8-9)

v. God gave them the victory – (v.20-21)

Q: Recall other instances in the Scriptures, where God made His intervention seemingly more hard or slow or foolish?

C. God’s church will prevail, Matt. 16:18; God’s people will prevail! You can prevail in whatever situation you are facing right now! Take a lesson from Israel, God has promised us the victory – 1 Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 4:17; 1 John 5:4

Q: What could represent a “wall of Jericho” to believers today?

Conc: What kind of walled city are you facing right now? Does it appear to be unconquerable? Do the walls look too high and do they appear too thick? Does it seem that victory is absolutely impossible in your case? Let me remind you that if your walls have not already fallen down flat, they can! They can fall right now! You need to take a lesson from Israel and start handling your Jericho’s God’s way. Bring it to Jesus. He excels in doing the undoable. He can pass the impossible, do the undoable! He is still a miracle-working God. Greater than the obstacle, able to move any mountain, stronger than any barrier you might face today. Bring it to Him and watch Him work it out.

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