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Claiming Your Canaan Series

Claiming Your Canaan Series

Claiming Your Canaan Series

Study #4

Joshua 5:1-13

Verse 1 tells us that the heathen nations in Canaan saw the powerful manner in which the Lord brought His children through the Jordan and that they were totally demoralized by these events. It would seem that they were absolutely resigned to their fate. It would appear that this would be the perfect time for Joshua to lead the people forward into the attack. However, instead of commanding His people to go forward into the battle, God commands them to remain at Gilgal and to do several things that, on the surface, appear very strange. It even appears that the things they are required to do put them at risk before their enemies.

While the ways of the Lord may appear strange to you and me, let me remind you that the ways of the Lord are not our ways (Isa. 55:8-9). You see, God never gets in a hurry! He has the liberty to take His time and do things on His schedule. While the things that happen in this chapter appear strange against the backdrop of an impending battle, the truth of the matter is God is simply preparing His army to fight. He has them do some things that may appear odd when preparing for the battle, but may I remind you that God’s people are engaged in battles that go far deeper than the physical realm? In fact, before the battle ever begins in the physical realm, it had already begun in the spiritual realm. God’s battles are spiritual! If we expect to fight in these battles and do well, then we must make the right kind of spiritual preparations (2 Cor. 10:3-5). That is what the Lord is doing right here in the life of His people Israel. It is also what He wants to do in your life and mine this morning.

You see, we all have battles to fight, and if we expect to overcome and achieve victory, then we must learn to make the right kind of spiritual preparations.

Israel appeared ready for the battle. They possessed a large army and they faced an enemy that was terrified at their presence. However, God knew that they would never be ready to fight and win the battle until the proper spiritual preparations had been made. That is what this passage is all about. The lessons taught here can help us this evening.

  2. The first command the Lord gives to Israel is that all the men were to be circumcised. It would seem that all the men who came out of Egypt were circumcised according to the demands of the Abrahamic covenant. However, those men who were born during the 40 years of wilderness wandering had not been circumcised. The fact of the matter is this, during the 40 years of their wilderness wandering, the rebellious generation that was dying off was no longer a covenant people. Now, before these men can claim their Canaan, they must be circumcised. They must renew the covenant with the Lord if they wanted His blessings on them and if they wanted to be guaranteed the victory.
  3. The lesson for us is simply this, just as Israel was required to remove from their bodies a piece of flesh as a sign that they were a part of the covenant, so too, we must remove from our lives anything that stands between us and total surrender to the Lord. The Bible is clear that there are times when you and I must engage in spiritual surgery in our lives. (Col. 3:1-17; 2 Cor. 6:17.)
  4. To the Jew, circumcision was a reminder that they were “marked people.” They were to never forget that they were the servants of the living God and that they were under obligation to obey Him in all things. Circumcision was to be the outward reminder of an inward work of faith (Deut. 10:16).

Child of God, if you are saved, then you are supposed to live like you are saved! Anything that is displeasing to the Lord needs to be removed from your life. It needs to be cut off and put away from you forever. There are some in this room this morning who have failed to live out the covenant they made with the Lord when He saved them. You need to come this morning and renew that covenant. Get back in fellowship with the Father and serve Him like you know you should. Remember the vows you made in the beginning? Remember the promises you made to Him? Don’t you think it is time that you lived like you are who you claim to be? Don’t you think it’s time you lived like that new creature that God said you were by His saving grace (2 Cor. 5:17)?

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