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Getting Past Jordan 3

Getting Past Jordan 3

Getting Past Jordan 3

Text Joshua 4:1-24


When all the people had passed over Jordan, Joshua commanded one man from each of the 12 tribes to get a rock from the midst of Jordan and build a memorial on the Canaan side. That memorial is worth taking a look at today!

  1. v. 6-7; 21-24 The Purpose of The Memorial – These verses tell us that the purpose of the memorial was to remind successive generations of the power and faithfulness of God on behalf of His people. That memorial would be an important landmark to those who would come after.


Q: What is the “greatest memorial” we have today that reminds us of the power and faithfulness of God, and how can we benefit maximally from it?

We need to erect some memorials in our lives as well. We must use caution, because we do not want to embalm the past and by so doing cripple the future. Many churches have done that and are suffering as a result. What we do want to do is remember the things the Lord has done for us so that we can tell others about them. We want to remember the great works of our God so that when we pass that way again, we will remember that the Lord was faithful in that day and that He will be faithful in this day as well. Never forget what the Lord has done for you in your yesterdays. It is those yesterday experiences that will tide you over when the trials of today and tomorrow arise in your life! Ill. Psa. 84:5-6, “Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.”  

As believers, we need to erect some visible memorials to the glory of God. When the Lord works in our lives, we should memorialize that event. We should talk about it, share it with others, write about, and spread the word about what God did. We should honor Him for His faithful work in our lives. Listen; there will be some others coming along behind us. There are children, young people and new believers who are following the paths we have already walked. As they journey and seek to grow in the Lord, they need to be able to see the memorials left by those who have gone before them!  

What are examples of events we should memorialize today?

We are reminded every time we gather here that God has worked among His people to carry them over their Jordan’s in the past. Those reminders tell all those who pass by them that God is faithful, powerful and able. We need to remember!

  1. v. 9, 20 The Picture in The Memorial – Ill. It is interesting to notice that Joshua constructed two monuments. They built one on the bank and the other in middle of the river. These two memorials served two distinct purposes. Notice what they were.
  2. v. 20 A Picture of The Faithfulness of God – The one on the bank of Jordan stood as a testimony to the faithfulness of God. It was there to remind others of what the Lord had done and of what He could do. Again, we need to remember the faithfulness of God in the past. It will help us cross the Jordan we face today.

In what practical ways can be memorialize events of Gods faithfulness in our lives?

  1. v. 9 A Picture of The Faith of The People – Now, what about the rock pile in the river? No one could see it but God! It stood as a monument to the faith of the people! You see, when you face a time of trial, others are often guilty of misjudging your motives and actions, but only God knows the truth about your heart. Even though Israel couldn’t see it, they knew the monument was there! They remembered that they had believed God then and it had worked. This was a monument in their hearts.

We need those same kinds of monuments as well. As we noted earlier, too often others misjudge us in our times of trial, but God alone knows you heart. When you have trusted Him and He has brought you through, never forget it! Build that monument in your heart, where only God can see it, and where you will never forget it. Then, when the tough times come again, and they will, look at that monument of His faithfulness and of your faith and know that what worked before will work again. God will bring you through your Jordan!

Remember when David killed Goliath? Before he went into that battle, King Saul tried to cloth David in his armor. David refused it because he had never fought in armor before, and because it was an armor designed for a much larger man. Yet, when David killed the giant, he took the giant’s armor into his tent, 1 Sam. 17:54. Why did he do this? It was a memorial. It was a reminder that no matter how great the obstacle, it is nothing when it is placed alongside the God of Heaven!

Some of you are facing troubled waters today. I want you to know you can cross over. I invite you to come before the Lord today. Tell Him about the Jordan you are facing and allow Him to get you past it today. There is a place of victory where you can shout in spite of your troubles. The first step in getting there is dealing with what is keeping you out: your Jordan. It may be sin, it may be some person, it may be some trial, but whatever it is, God is greater than it is. Come and let Him take care of it for you.

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