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Getting Past Jordan

Getting Past Jordan

Getting Past Jordan

Joshua 3:1-13

Intro: When the Lord brought the nation of Israel out of Egypt, He led them toward the Promised Land. Instead of going forward in faith, Israel resorts to doubt and unbelief. God punished them severely for their unbelief. He caused them to wander in the wilderness until the whole generation died. He sentenced Israel to walk in the desert for 40 years. But now they are poised to enter into Canaan. They must overcome one major obstacle: the Jordan River. At this time, Jordan River swells to an impassable width of over 1 mile! Fifty times wider than usual. There was no way they could cross on their own! They need supernatural help. God, at times, does things in a way that no man can boast. [Jeremiah 9:23-24]


Question: What is the consequence of unbelief?

Every person faces Jordan from time to time. You and I may feel we will never overcome our “Jordan” The assessment of our capacity is right. Thank God, He specializes in dealing with overwhelming obstacles and in leading His children to victory. 

Today, we shall watch Israel as they move past their Jordan. We shall learn some strategies that worked for Israel over 3000 years ago, which are relevant to us today. 

  1. 3:1-13 There is a Message to Consider
  2. v. 3-4 The Message Involved A Challenge When it was time to cross Jordan, God gave them three specifics. God designed the three things to help them. Believers are to do likewise to follow the Lord as required. What are these three specifics?
  1. Watch GodNotice that the Ark of the Covenant is mentioned seven times in chapter 3. The Ark was unique. It represents the presence God. It is the symbol of the glory of God [ I Sam 4:21, 22]. So, when Ark is moves, they move. When it stops, they did as well. In crisis, or in need of direction in life, be sensitive to the movement of the Lord through His Spirit. 
  1. Follow God– When they saw the Ark of the Covenant move, they were to “leave, and go after it” Not only were they to watch God, they were to move when He did. They were to pursue God. Israel was about to follow the Ark through a river that was over 1 mile wide! Following God may not be the most natural thing you will ever do, but it will be the best thing you ever to do. Follow God! [Rom 8:38, 39]
  1. Honor God Notice that God told the Israelites to stay at least 3000 feet behind the Ark. It was to help them quickly see what was happening ahead. Another reason is that the Lord wanted no one but the Levites near the Ark. To get too close would have meant death. Don’t be guilty of treating God like one of your buddies. Do not allow a spirit of familiarity, cheapens your walk with the Lord. Reverence God in your heart always. [ I Pet 3:15]

Question: Explain the three specifics, as it applies to us?

  1. v. 5 The Message Involved A Command Next, Joshua told the people to “sanctify yourselves.” The ritual is to ensure they were as clean and holy. They should put away anything displeasing to the Lord. The ceremony was for them to examine themselves, ready for the Lord’s coming miracle. For you and I crossing the Jordan’s that arise in our lives, we must examine our lives to make sure we are clean. 

Question: Why is sanctification important?

  1. v. 9-13 The Message Involved A CommitmentThis message to the Israelites reminded them that getting across the Jordan did not rest on their shoulders but the Lord’s. He planned to get them over. It was His problem. In these verses, He gave them a promise to bring them through in a compelling fashion. God commits Himself to bring his people across Jordan! Israel needs faith alone.

God has not changed. He was trusted to keep His promises. He is still trustworthy. Often, we are unable to get past our obstacles. Because we exhibit a profound lack of faith. How did we know? Because of the worry and doubt that marks our lives.

  1. We worry over tomorrow, yet the Lord has said – Matt. 6:34.
  2. We agonize over material things, yet the Lord has promised – Matt. 6: 33; Phil. 4:19.
  3. We worry about facing various things in life, yet the Lord has promised – Heb. 13:5.
  4. Believers are anxious over many things. But the Lord tells us worry is sin, and so we have to trust Him – Phil. 4:6-7.
  5. The bottom line is Jesus is all-powerful. He is all-knowing, and He is all-present. God knows what you are going through. He knows more about it than you do! Here is what He says: “The just shall live life by faith,” Rom. 1:17; “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin,” Rom 14:23; “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith,” Matt. 8:26.


Question: Why are believers admonished not to worry or anxious? 

All this reminds us that He is the Lord and that He is higher than any problem we have ever or will ever face in life. He desires that we learn to take Him at His Word and trust Him. We need to remember that what the Lord has promised to do, He will do, Rom. 4:21.


That is the message; let us take it to heart!


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