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Joshua Study 2 – Canaan Land is just in sight

Joshua Study 2 – Canaan Land is just in sight


Text: Joshua 1:1-9

  1. v. 1-9 GOD’S COMMAND
  1. v. 1-4 A Call to Claim the Land – Here Joshua is reminded that God has given Canaan land to Israel. At this time Moses is now dead, and God’s work must go on. Never think God can’t make it without you. He was commanded to lead the people to the promised land given in Gen. 12:7 and reaffirmed to every generation. There was no need to wander in the wilderness. They just need to claim it. 

Christians today suffer defeat, struggle with sin and wanders in spiritual wilderness. It doesn’t have to be so. God has a place of victory, peace and blessing for you. Listen to these scriptures; 2 Cor 2:14; Rom 8:37; I Cor. 15;57. God did not save you to be defeated! There is a place of conquest for you. 

The promised land was about 300,000 square miles. The Israelite claimed 30,000 square miles.  They could claim much more, vs 3. The scope of their victory equals their faith. It is same with us. Dissect Matthew 7:7; I John 5:14-15.

  1. v. 5-6, 9 A Call to Have Confidence in The Lord – Joshua is reminded of some very precious promises in these verses. Notice promises- Joshua 1:5-6. Joshua was promise victory, God’s presence and power vs 5. God’s faithfulness vs 6. Absolute victory vs6. All Joshua needs was to trust God. These promises are valid today. God still gives victory1 John 5:4-5. If so, how can we experience God’s victory? Faith in God! When all else fails, faith will ever stand Heb. 11:1.
  2. v. 7-8 A Call to Carry Out the Law – To lead the people to Canaan, Joshua must take heed to the Law of God. The Law is an essential step to entering our Canaan. Notice what he said to Joshua about the Law. Vs 7-8.

Here is a lesson for you. To experience divine victory, you must develop a love for the Word. Just as Joshua was commanded to honor the Law, we are commanded to honor God and His word. To do these, we are to feed on the word Job 23:12. Live by the word- Psa. 119:11.  Love the word Psa. 119:97. The result- Psa. 1:1-3. Do you have a time set aside each day to go to the Word and feed therein? If not, your spiritual life will be weak and ineffective.

  1. v. 6a, 7a, 9a A Call to Courage in Leadership – In the midst of all these things the Lord calls Joshua to do, three things- Joshua 1:6a, 7a, 9a. God Himself, encourages Joshua to be strong and courageous!” These words carry the idea of “standing firm and strong in the face of opposition.” Joshua would need great courage to face the enemies of Israel and to lead the people to victory in the Promised Land. God’s challenge to Joshua is for him to stand.

Conclusion: There is a dear need to stand for the Lord now like Joshua. All around us, Christians are falling by the wayside. We need God’s children to be moved in the depths of their souls to stand up, renew their commitments to the Lord and say, “By God’s help, I’ll stand and not fall all the days of my life!” Remember the words of the Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 15:58. We need to stand, Eph. 6:10-17. It is time we stand with the people of God. To be brave and strong, Rom. 13:11-14. We need men and women of courage, conviction and integrity. 


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