1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304



Acts 27:14-29


Last month, we began a study on “Four Strong Anchors for Life’s Stormy Seas”. This captured an episode where Paul was caught in the midst of a fierce storm that seemed to be overwhelming. The sailors threw four anchors into the sea in a futile attempt to remedy the situation. Although the ship was shaken and battered, Paul was able to remain strong due to four significant anchors. We have considered:

  • The Strong Anchor of the Presence of God (v23)
  • The Strong Anchor of the Promises of God (v24-25)
  • The Strong Anchor of the Providence of God (V24)

Today, we conclude this study as we consider the fourth anchor that kept Paul steady and strong!

  2. What the Lord told Paul, and what Paul believed would happen came to pass: everyone made it safely to the shore. God kept His Word! He spared every life and proved Himself to be as good as His Word!
  3. God is able to work it all out! He will get you through your storm and land you safely beyond it! It may look this evening like the boat is going to sink. It may look like the storms of life are going to prevail. However, when the waves have all settled down when the winds have ceased their blowing when the rains have abated when the storm clouds have moved off to the horizon: you will see that God was in control all along! I can promise you this, no storm in this life will be able to blow you off the course God has determined for your life! He will secure you during the storm and He will successfully deliver you to the safe harbor of His glory!
  4. Corrie Ten Boom said it this way, “When Jesus takes your hand, He keeps you tight. When Jesus keeps you tight, He leads you through your whole life. When Jesus leads you through your life, He brings you safely home.
  5. I would just remind you this evening that our God is a strong and powerful God, Luke 1:37; Job 42:2. He can do anything that needs to be done, Eph. 3:20. The fact of the matter is, He didn’t save you to lose His grip on you in a storm. No! He saved you to take you home to glory and that is just what He will do, John 6:37-40!


Have you set your anchors deep in the Lord this evening? If you have, then you can weather life’s storms. If you haven’t, be prepared to be blown about by the winds of adversity. I would encourage you to come before the Lord and say something like this, “Lord, I cannot fix my situation. I cannot calm the raging seas of my life and I cannot still the winds that blow against me. I need help today. By faith, I cast the anchors of your presence, your promises, your providence and your performance into my stormy sea. I am resolved to trust you to walk onto my storm and speak peace when it is your will to do so. Until then, I will not fear, I will not fret, and I will not fight. I will trust you to do what is best for me.” When you throw in the towel and come to a place of total trust before the Lord in your storm, it gets His attention and you can be sure that He will do something about your situation!

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