1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304




  1. Paul is told by the Lord that this storm is a part of God working out His plan in Paul’s life. At that moment in time, that storm was the safest place in the world for Paul to be! Why? Because he was in the will of the Lord and God was working in a mighty way in the situation to bring about His will for Paul’s life.
  2. Did you know that God is doing the very same thing in your life as well? It may be simple faith, but I still believe that God is Sovereign! This just means that He is in absolute control of everything that happens in life! He is a Sovereign Lord – Isa. 45:7. Listen to the testimony of James concerning this sovereign Lord – James 1:17. If I didn’t know God was on His throne, I would not want to live in this world another second, but as long as I know He orders the storms, (Ill Disciples and storm – Mark 6:45-50), I can weather them. He knows what is best and that is all He sends into your life and mine, Rom. 8:28. The best thing we can do when the storms rage about us is run to Him for refuge and cling to Him until the storm passes, Psa. 57:1; Isa. 25:4.)

Testimony of God’s providence

Robert Bruce of Scotland was running for his life, fleeing persecutors. He ducked into a small cave, and a spider immediately appeared and spun a web over the opening. Bruce’s pursuers fanned across the landscape, knowing he was near. Two of them approached the cave, and one of the men started to go in. The other one stopped him, saying, “He could never have gotten in there without breaking that spider’s web.” Bruce breathed this prayer, “O God, I thank Thee that in the tiny bowels of a spider you can place for me a shelter.”) Last, in His good time He can bring me out again–how and when He knows.

Let me say you are here,

(1) By God’s appointment

(2) In His keeping

(3) Under His training

(4) For His time.”

  1. That is the kind of confidence that will let you shout in the devil’s face, even while the storm still rages, Ill. Job – Job 1:20-21!
  2. Notice this: even after Paul received the great promise of the Lord for himself and all on board the ship, the men still tried to take care of matters on their own, v. 28-39, and some even tried to get off the ship, v. 30-31. Even in the face of God’s promise, v. 21-26, the men in the ship fought, feared and fretted in the midst of the storm. There was just one guy on board who was enjoying the trip: Paul! Why? Because he believed God! He knew God was working and he used that truth as an anchor!

Friends, we live in a day when men are abandoning ship at an alarming rate! The storms of life attack them and they run from the church, the old ship of Zion. Can I remind you that the best place you can be in the storms of life is in the ship, where the Lord wants you to be. If you leave the ship, you might face the fury of the storm on your own. If you stay where the lord has planted you, you can be assured that His providential work in your life will be carried out to completion!

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