1154 Wisconsin Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304


  2. As Paul weathered that long, terrible storm, the Lord came to him with a precious promise. He reminded Paul that he would stand before Caesar, and that all those on the ship were to be spared as well. For Paul, just having a word from God was enough to anchor him and give him blessed assurance. Why? He knew that God was as good as His Word, Rom. 4:21

Q1: What can we learn about God’s promises according to the following passages – Rom. 3:4; Heb. 6:18?

  1. His promises are steadfast and true! 

Q2: From the following passages, describe God’s specific promises that assure us of total security.


  • Ps 30:5 –
  • Ps 34:19 –
  • Rom 8:28, 2 Cor 4:17 –
  • 2 Corr 12:9 –
  1. Rev 21:4 –
  1. His promises are based in and on His Word. It is pure, inspired and will stand when the world is in flames, Psa. 119:89!

(Ill. Dr. Everek R. Storms of Ontario spent a vast amount of time studying the promises of Scripture. Writing in Contact Magazine, he said: “The Holy Scriptures contain a grand total of 8,810 promises. How do I know? I counted them.

“All my life I have seen various figures quoted as to the number of promises in the Bible. The one most generally given is 30,000. Since this is a round number with four zeroes in it, I have always been a little suspicious about it. Furthermore, since there are only 31,101 verses in the Bible, it would mean that there would be practically one promise in every verse. I do not guarantee my count to be perfect, but it is the most accurate I know of.”

Dr. Storms goes on to classify the promises found in Scripture into eight kinds:

      • •There are 7,487 promises from God to man (about 85 percent of all the Bible’s promises).
      • •There are 991 instances of one person making a promise to another person.
      • •There are 290 promises from man to God.
      • •There are 29 promises made by the angels, most of them found in Luke.
      • •There are 9 promises made by “that old liar, the devil.” (For example, his promise to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would fall down and worship him.)
      • 2 promises are made by an evil spirit.
      • 2 are made by God the Father to God the Son.

Dr. Storms additionally found that one book of the Bible contains no promise at all–Titus. Ephesians has only six promises. On the other hand, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel have over 1,000 promises each.

What section of Scripture most impressed Dr. Storms? He wrote, “The most outstanding chapter as far as promises are concerned in Psalm 37. Practically every verse is a most wonderful promise.“)

Q3: Quote a few of your favorite promises and describe how you have applied them in your situations.

(Ill. In one memorable scene from Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian, finding the pathway difficult, climbed over a stile to walk in a meadowy bypath. Eventually the ground grew soggy and covered with poisonous vines. The sky became black, and Christian spent the night huddled at the foot of an oak tree, caught in a downpour. Next morning, Giant Despair came upon him, captured him, beat him, and imprisoned him in the dungeon of Doubting Castle with its grim battlements and thick, black walls. Christian tried to sing, but couldn’t. His mood was dungeon-dark. Giant Despair beat him mercilessly, and he grew weaker each day. At length he found in his cell a rope, a knife, and a bottle of poison, the tools of suicide, and for a moment he was tempted to end his misery.

But one evening about midnight he began to pray, and …… a little before day, good Christian, as one half amazed, brake out into this passionate speech: What a fool am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon, when I may as well walk at liberty! I have a key in my bosom, called Promise, that will, I am sure, open any lock in Doubting Castle.

It did. Using the key of God’s promises, Christian escaped, never again to fall into the clutches of Giant Despair or Doubting Castle.)

  1. Claim the promises of God as an anchor for your soul as you sail the story seas of life! They will unlock the prisons of despair in which the devil seeks to chain you!


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