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Genesis 39:8-12

  1. The Character Of The Tempted – By watching Joseph and how he conducted himself during this attack, we can learn how we too can stand when temptation stalks us.
  2. V. 8 He Met It With A Firm Refusal – When the temptation came to him, Joseph was ready with a firm, “No!”. The Bible doesn’t say, but I am almost sure that Joseph had already settled this matter within his heart. He had already made the decision of what to do when temptation came. He had already decided that he would go with God and stay away from sin! When we allow our minds to be unprincipled and uncontrolled, we run the risk of being unprepared for the attacks of sin and Satan. When temptation comes after you, it is hard to say “No!”, and mean it in the heat of the moment. But, if the decision has already been made, it is far easier to stand! That is why you have got to guard the mind and protect it from all the things that would enter it, pollute it and weaken your ability to mount a strong defense! (Note: I want to teach you one word that will help you in this matter of temptation. It is the word “No!”. Learn it and use it! It will help you! Spurgeon said it like this: “Learn to say no. It will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.” This was the strategy Daniel and the 3 Hebrews boys adopted in Babylon and it worked like a charm. It still will!)
  3. V. 8-9 He Met It With A Faith-based Refusals – First, Joseph refused on the grounds that Potiphar had placed Joseph in a position of power because he trusted him. He refused to violate that trust. However, at the very foundation of Joseph’s refusal was his walk with His God. He knew that committing adultery with this woman might bring pleasure in the short term, but in the long term, it would mean violating the trust Potiphar had placed in him and it would cause a breach in his relationship with his God. And, even if Potiphar never found out, Joseph knew that God would know and he knew that Joseph would know. For Joseph, that was a price far too high to pay! His integrity before men, his walk with God and his ability to look into the mirror without guilt were worth more to Joseph than a few moments of physical pleasure! (Note: Before you give in to that temptation and do that thing that looks so enticing, take a moment to think about the consequences. What will happen to your testimony in the eyes of others when they find out? What will happen to your walk with the Lord? Will you be able to live with yourself?) (Note: For Joseph, the fear of the Lord was a powerful motivator! I realize that few people walk with that in their minds in our day. However, fearing God will keep you out of a lot of trouble! When you know that you will pay the price of chastisement, of being shelved and of a loss of fellowship with Him, it is worth saying “no” to a few temptations along life’s way!)
  4. V. 10 He Met It With A Faithful Refusal – Every day this woman tempted Joseph and every day he steadfastly refused her advances. He didn’t resort to mind games like, “Well, if the Lord didn’t want me to do this, He would just take it away from me.” He just faithfully stood for the Lord and against the evil! (Note: We need to get this truth: Temptation is going to come and God is not likely to take it away! He will strengthen us and enable us to stand against it, but we are going to have to fight it and learn to take a stand! Not everything that you are offered in life is good for you. You need the wisdom of God to be able to choose that which is pleasing to him and to refrain from that which is not!) (Note: There is something very important to notice in verse 10. Joseph refused to listen to her words and he even refused to be with her. He came to the place where he physically avoided her! This is a great step in avoiding sinning through temptation. Don’t flirt with it! Don’t try to prove you can handle it! Never come to the place where you think you have it whipped! If something is a temptation to you, then avoid it like the plague! Don’t be foolish enough to think that you can handle temptation and sin. They will show you short order that they can handle you, 1 Cor. 10:12.) (Ill. On the TV show “Hee Haw,” Doc Campbell is confronted by a patient who says he broke his arm in two places. The doc replies, “Well then, stay out of them places!”)
  5. V. 12 He Met It With A Final Refusal – When the big day came and this woman allowed her thoughts to find physical expression, she grabbed Joseph and said “Lie with me!” It was time to make a decision and he did! He spun out of that robe and ran out of the house, leaving her holding the garment! Joseph literally ran away from Potiphar’s wife to preserve his character. (Note: You cannot have it both ways! You can either give into sin or pay the price for your pleasure, Prov. 5:11-14. Or, you can run from temptation and protect your testimony!) (Ill.” What are you doing, son?” the shopkeeper asked a little boy whose eyes were on a large basket of apples outside the storefront. “Trying to steal one of those apples?” “No sir,” replied the boy. “I’m trying not to.”)


(Note: Before we leave this thought, I want to point out a few facts about temptation:

  1. Temptation is never from God James 1:13 – Potiphar’s wife tried to blame Joseph and Potiphar for her lust, 13-18. Some people even try to blame God for their sins, but God is not responsible for the things that tempt you! God tests His children, but He always sets the test up so that we can pass. Satan tempts us, but always to make us fail! Temptation is never from God!
  2. Temptation is always from within James 1:14-15 – Temptation always comes to us based on the things we already want. Just like a fisherman baits his hook with the proper bait to attract to the kind of fish he wishes to catch, Satan baits the hook of temptation with the very worm he knows we will like!
  3. Temptation Must Be Handled Properly1 Cor. 10:13 – God will make a way out of temptation, but we must be active in finding the door out! Here are a few suggestions for dealing with temptation:
  4. Deal with it Immediately – Don’t allow it to linger in your life and grow out of control. As Barney Fife would have said it, “Nip it in the bud!” Get before God and ask for His help!
  5. Deal with it Realistically – Understand that sin is more powerful than you are. It will destroy you if it has an opportunity. Do not give it that chance! Jesus said this ti His disciples, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”, Matt. 26:41.
  6. Deal with it Ruthlessly – Whatever you have to do to avoid the temptation is in order! Remember what Jesus said about this matter – Mark 9:43-48. Regardless of what you have to do, get away from it! (Ill. During the Falkland’s War England’s Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, ordered the bombing of the British airstrips in Port Stanley to prevent them from being used by the enemy!) (Ill. Logger with his foot caught in a long wooden shoot!)
  7. Deal with it Consistently – Learn to be consistent in your resistance. If you aren’t, you will be caught off guard and overcome! (Ill. The same wind can send one ship east and another west. Which way the ship goes is determined by the set of the sails!)
  8. Deal with it Confidently – We have the Lord’s great promise in 1 Cor. 10:13. God will make a way of escape, just be sure you look for it! Most of give into temptation, not because we can’t get out of it, but because we don’t want out of it!


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